发布时间:2020-10-15 00:06:18 文章作者:知网小编 文章来源:本站首发
1.文中引用的格式为: 作者的姓+年份
1.1 两位或三位作者的: 作者的姓要用&连接 例: Reading widely is the best way to improve vocabulary (Hay, Bochner & Dungey 1997).
1.2 三位以上作者的:第一作者的姓+et al 例:Learning will improve if students are made aware of how discussions can help them achieve the learning objectives of various units and if they are shown how to best take part in both online and face-to-face discussions (Ellis et al. 2004).
2 参考文献引用格式为:
2.1 期刊:作者出版年,‘文献题名’,期刊名称, 期, 起止页码. 期刊 名用斜体 例:Clay, G 2003, ‘Assignment writing skills’, Nursing Standard, vol. 17, no. 20, pp. 47–52.
2.2 书籍:作者出版年,书名, 出版信息,城市.书名用斜体 例: Evans, K & King D 2006, Studying society: the essentials, Routledge, New York.
2.3 电子书: 作者出版年,书名,出版信息,登陆查看日期, 网址.书名用斜体 例:Gerwick, CG 2007, Construction of marine and offshore structures, CRC Press, retrieved 17 April 2008, ENGnetBASE.
2.4 报纸:作者出版年,‘文献题名’, 报纸名, 日月, 页码. 报纸名用斜体 例:Deveny C 2008, ‘Dyslexics may take a different route, but we get there in the end’, The Age, 9 April, p. 15.